Bei der Veranstaltung „Forschung live“ erklären Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler des Campus Gummersbach in Kurzvorträgen, mit welchen Forschungsfragen sie sich aktuell…
Christian Berger, Mitglied des Landtags in NRW, zu Besuch im Institut IDEA an der TH Köln
Christian Berger war am Montag zu Besuch im Institut für Data Science, Engineering and Analytics (IDEA), um sich bei Prof.…
Reading Recommendation: „Beyond algorithm hyperparameters: on preprocessing hyperparameters and associated pitfalls in machine learning applications“
The preprint, which was written by Christina Sauer, Anne-Laure Boulesteix, Luzia Hanßum, Farina Hodiamont, Claudia Bausewein, and Theresa Ullmann, is available on arXiv: Abstract:…
The last 2024 issue of the SIGEvolution newsletter (Winter 2024) is now available online
The last 2024 issue of the SIGEvolution newsletter (Winter 2024) is now available online: Many thanks to our contributors. …
More than 300 Computer Science books in open access so you can download the PDFs
Here is the link to, where you can find > 300 OA books: Many thanks to Frank Nielsen,…
CfP: 19th Conference on Learning and Intelligent Optimization (LION19)
The 19th Learning and Intelligent Optimization conference is exploring the intersections and uncharted territories between machine learning, artificial intelligence, mathematical programming and algorithms for hard optimization problems, and bringing together experts from these areas to discuss new ideas and methods, challenges and opportunities in various application areas, general trends and specific developments.
Wirtschaftsministerium will Testzentrum für KI-Roboter einrichten
Das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz will die Wirtschaft an einem interdisziplinär besetzten Zentrum beteiligen, in dem KI-Roboter geprüft und getestet…
AI-Driven Fall Detection System Developed by Prof. Dr. Bartz-Beielstein and his Team Achieves 98% Accuracy in TH Köln Study
The project „FallKI – Development of Sensor Technology and AI Algorithms for Fall Detection in the Vicinity of Nursing Beds“ was conducted by Prof. Dr. Axel Wellendorf from the Institute for General Mechanical Engineering at TH Köln, in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Thomas Bartz-Beielstein from the Institute for Data Science, Engineering and Analytics. The project partner was tecfor care GmbH, a manufacturer of nursing beds and care furniture. The project was funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action through the Central Innovation Program for SMEs (ZIM) with a grant of 670,000 euros.
Pressemitteilung: Bundesminister Özdemir stellt BMBF-Leitung neu auf
BMBF-Pressemitteilung Nr. 64 | 28.11.2024 Der Bundesminister für Bildung und Forschung, Cem Özdemir, hat Stephan Ertner sowie Dr. Karl-Eugen Huthmacher…
Erste Sitzung: Neuer Fachausschuss in der VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik
„Zuverlässige ML-Modelle und ML-Prozesse in der Automation“ lautet der Titel des neuen Fachausschusses in der VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik.Hoch motiviert…